FDIC 2015 Extrication Zone
Firefighter Randy Schmitz, Calgary (Alberta, Canada) Fire Department International Presenter 2015
Large Trucks/Trailers/Buses/Cable Barriers
This classroom workshop covers the following: Large Truck and Trailer Incident Response--big truck anatomy; arrival, set-up procedures, and hazard control; sustained stabilization; patient access; overcoming height; side wall openings; roof operations; disentanglement; patient removal; and scene termination considerations. Bus Extrication--response issues and social media, command, triage applications, construction and anatomy, metal relocation procedures, entrance and egress, and patient removal. Livestock Trailer Incident Response--dealing with livestock, trailer construction, metal relocation, containment options, and euthanasia. High Tension Cable Barrier Systems--function and purpose, design and construction, emergency response, disentanglement, and cutting the cable. ALL LEVELS & ADVANCED.
FDIC April 2015